What is Capritourism.com?

What is Capritourism.com?
What is Capritourism.com?
What is Capritourism.com?
What is Capritourism.com?
What is Capritourism.com?

Capritourism is a web guide dedicated to Capri, run by volunteers, with the goal of providing essential and comprehensive information for visiting the island. It is not an institutional site.
There are no intrusive banner ads or promotional ads, only affiliate systems with discreet, useful and valuable external links for users. This makes it possible to cover part of the costs of hosting (AWS), development and project management without the need for sponsorship or intrusive advertising and without membership fees.
Caprionline is the company that manages the development and infrastructure of the site covering all expenses, with no public contribution.

Free listing

Business listings on Capritourism, including hotels, B&Bs, vacation rentals, restaurants, tours and more, are completely free. Our editorial staff is committed to the constant updating of content and information. However, we do not intend to list all businesses indifferently: web reputation, i.e., the quality of reviews, is a criterion we may evaluate for selection in some cases, as is the presence of an up-to-date official website and curated social media profiles.

User experience first

Providing a good user experience remains our priority at Capritourism. Activity listings are organized according to criteria that we believe are useful to users. The sorting is handled by an algorithm that prioritizes factors such as the number of views and conversions (clicks to the official site, clicks to the phone number from mobile, etc.).

Add your business

Would you like to add your tourism business to Capritourism? It's simple! Just send an email to help@capritourism.com requesting to add a new business or update existing content.